Sunday, December 30, 2007

New seating arrangement...

Now we can sing the family song while eating.... We're all together again, we're here, we're here! These seats are so much better than bumbos or the highchair, and look - the parts that hold them on the table are little hippos - just like Coop (AKA our little Cooperpotomus)!

We're going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!

This is how we roll.
Why look at the animals when I am SO cute!?!?!

Roller Derby Rocks!

This was my first time at the roller skating rink! Those guys are pretty slippery! We had fun once I realized it was okay to take a little tumble on my tush!

Thursday, December 27, 2007

Guitar Hero

Yeah! I get to relive my days in Fanatic and Melting Shadows (MS).
Even the very young and little older can rock out!
Mom during her solo for Pat Benetar displaying her hidden rock star we always knew was there!

Merry Christmas!

Merry Christmas, Gra-Am and Grandad!
Claire-Bear, Emma-Bear and Cooper-Bear!
What a great Christmas this year!

Santa Claus

Tis the season to plunk our little ones down on the lap of strange men.


We went caroling around our neighborhood bringing good cheer (if a little off key).

Friday, December 14, 2007

Daddy is the best!

A little Daddy time while Mom and Emma danced around the kitchen to Christmas music!

Sunday, November 11, 2007


Dad thought it would be a great idea if I helped him paint the dining room. Mom said something about how she is waiting for a big "I told you so" moment, whatever that means. I think that the carpet looks great the same color as the walls (to the minute of posting, no harm was done... yet)

First to sit!

Shhh! Cooper is sleeping - I think I am going to take this time to be the first one to sit! Today is my day! Go me!
Shhh! Claire is sleeping - I think I am going to take this time to be the first one to sit! Today is my day - Go me!

PS. Both sat for the first time today! We will never disclose who did it first!

Roasting marshmallows...

Yum! Roasted marshmallows are the best! Note the remenants of previous marshmallow testing left on my face...

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

Happy Halloween!

Boo! He he! Did we scare you? No?
I am the Princess (of the Princess and the pea (s)). I picked out the fabric myself because it looks like peas! Mom says I am not allowed to REALLY sleep on the peas to check if I am a real princess... Oh well, I kinda like those little guys.
Me and the peas...
The peas and me.

Food, Wonderful Food!

-Hey Coop, I think they are going to feed us real food!
Post note - you have never seen a bigger mess - none of us could touch a camera we were so messy!

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Cooper and Claire's Baptism

Cousin Brooke and I had a blast together this weekend. We are all dressed up for church today. Don't we look fancy?
Great Grama Jolly and Dad, posing with us after we are baptized.
The Northrup Five and Reverend Snell. Cooper and Claire did really well being baptized. They slept through most of the service, woke up for the baptism, and didn't scream when they were sprinkled with the water. We were so blessed to have so many of the family visit that day. Thanks to all who could make it on this special occasion!

To the playground

We're a little too young to enjoy the playground, but Mom and Grandad sure had just as much fun holding us.


Hurray! Mom let me help and do some real vacuuming today! It was SO fun! I also got to dust! I am still too young to do the bathrooms... ah, but someday!

Sunday, October 14, 2007

Pumpkin Patch

We took this picture ourselves - We're all here! This was en-route on the hayride to the pumpkin patch.
Family portrait at the pumpkin patch. Look at all five pumpkins up front, oh wait, two of those aren't pumpkins!
What a big pile of cute pumpkins!

PJ Time

Good morning! I know! How cute are we?

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Just the three of us...

Just hangin' out on the couch.

Football Sunday

Just another Sunday watching the Panthers lose - but boy are we dressed for the occasion and excited, too! We don't quite understand the game yet - I think it has to do with how good you look while watching, at least that is what big sis Emma says...

Saturday, September 29, 2007

Tenting in the backyard

We set up the tent in the backyard and had story time and singalongs with everyone in the tent. Anna and Luisa came over from next door to join in the fun
What beautiful girls!
What funny looking girls!

More tummy Time

My job as a stay-at-home Mom is so tough... All in a days work :) By the way, my other charge is sitting just outside of this picture in her princess dress, all ready for what she calls the "royal ball" - she requested not to be pictured here.

County Fair

Nothing like a trip to the county fair! The rides are fun and a little scary, the people watching can't be beat, but there was no demo derby at this one - oh well, Dad just got rid of the Camry, so we didn't have a vehicle to enter anyway! PS. note Emma's pink cowboy boots - what a great Fair outfit!
We girls rode the Farris Wheel. Claire slept (she is in a front carryer on me) until we reached the tippy top, and then she woke up with a vengence, which I am sure made the ride pleasurable for the other folks in our gondola!

Monday, September 10, 2007

Football season!

Dad and son watching the football game - smile - the Panthers won!

Real Equestrian

One step closer to a real equestrian from the last post of Emma on the carousel. The folks leading her own the pony.


EmmaLeigh enjoying the inflatables at a little festival.

Go, Daddy, Go!

Emma completes her first duathalon at the age of three (okay, so technically, she only road along for the last leg of the run!)

Tuesday, September 4, 2007


Good thing there was room for three on our swingset!

Happy Labor Day

We hiked to Hanging Rock on Labor Day. We cooked hot dogs, roasted marshmallows, and soaked our feet in the cold creek water. Emma and Leigh went swimming in the nearby lake. Emma did a great job hiking by herself!
Boy, hikes sure are exhausting. Nap anyone?

Let's go fly a kite

We went to fly a kite at the park this weekend.

Wednesday, August 29, 2007

"First" day of school

It is my first day of school! Okay, so maybe it is my second day at school and Mom didn't think about taking a picture untill she saw all the other Moms at school taking pictures of their children - at least she got me to school at all - and on time to boot! And I look just as cute on my second day as I did on my first day. Anyway, now I can smile because I know how fun school is!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Stop.... Tummy Time!

Tummy Time used to be so hard, made us say, " Oh, my Lord"
Now we'll do it for a while, because it always makes us smile!
(ps. rap to MC Hammer "Hammer Time")