Saturday, February 28, 2009

Love Bugs

On Saturday we went to the Nature museum and found some pretty cute bugs! This was the rare Cooper Smilealot bug.
Here is a Claire Iamsofunny bug.

What, you talkin' to me?
Oh my, you surprised me with the flash!
Yes, we agree!

Sunday, February 22, 2009

Dance Party

Dear Bagshaw Boys,
My dear cousins, I know that you cannot understand the situations that evolve everyday in MY house, but you have got to see these pictures and understand the grave magnitude of my plea... SAVE ME! Take me back with you and let me beat on drums, and hit things, and play with trucks and trains, and watch you guys just being guys.... please, for the sake of my future! Tutu's and fancy skirts and dance parties are NOT for me (much as I LOVE to look fancy), I feel that down the road, these pictures and proof may haunt my first date, wedding, etc.
Please come soon,
Your hopeless cousin Cooper

PS. Jackie and AE, please know that I will tar and feather you personally at my wedding when you think it is funny to put these pictures in some prominent place, just after I tar and feather my sisters for making me who I am, and mother for taking and posting these shots.

Tuesday, February 17, 2009

A trip to the museum!

AAAARRRRRRHHHHHH... Look at these scary bears!
I rode in this "air chair".... it was pretty cool, but no stress for a cool chick like me!

Look! A Dino egg!

Trip to the museum!

The Tiny Terror, Mini Atom and Tough Customer all testing their strength.
Dad and his kids.... oh he has another, just like Mom has a son.
Mom's own private science lesson covering surface tension, viscosity, salinity and temperature to density ratios.... or just high priced bath-time fun and an excuse to get our clothes wet regardless of the museum-issued smocks?


Dad has taught me everything that he knows about banana pancakes... the ladies are still sleeping so we are just having some early morning father-son bonding time!

Thursday, February 12, 2009

Family Funny!

Claire took this shot of our family... Anytime you have three monkeys in a group shot, it is bound to be a little silly - you figure out who the three monkeys might be!
Here is Claire, trying to escape!

Thursday, February 5, 2009

Claire: Snow Day!

Here I am, bro!
Coop is my wingman! WOW!

Cooper: Snow Day!

My little snowmobile... now, where is my gang?
Snow is awesome! Unless I lose my mittens, which I did, and then it is not so awesome: just cold, wet and miserable... but for now it is awesome!

Emma: Snow Day!

Whoohooo! A surprise snowday! And a whole three inches! We had such fun romping in the snow!