Tuesday, July 21, 2009


So, we have been wearing Mom out with our "Let's climb out of our cribs and play!" antics, so they decided we are ready for Big Kid Beds... but not yet. First, we need to test our readiness with just mattresses on the floor. Once we fell asleep in our beds, we then rolled together to snuggle... Mom thought this was TOO CUTE! Cooper does have a fitted sheet, he just took it off just before falling asleep to snuggle with it, just so you don't think Mom makes us sleep on the floor or bare mattresses...

Sunday, July 12, 2009

Grandad Rocks!

Have we told you how much our Grandad rocks?
He takes us sailing...

although just us girls were brave enough to join him...

He swims with us...

... and lets us drive! Grandad Rocks!

Claire on Vacation

Life is good here at the dock!
SMILE! What could be better than watermelon, sunglasses, and my bathing suit on a hot summer day?

... and sharing with Mom!


Cooper on Vacation!

A thoughtful vacation stroll...
WhooHoo! Pallin' around with Henry and Cole - boys rock!

Fun in the sun!

Just a little merman in the sun... I truly LOVE my big sister for helping me look the part!

Emma on Vacation

Happy 4th of July!
Look at me! Hotstuff on the kneeboard!




LA Vaca: Forced Family Fun!

Say, "CHEESE", I mean, "WATERMELON"!
Say, "CHEESE", I mean, "HOTDOG"!
Dad and Grandad spent a good bit of time making and testing this new off-road RC car track in the woods.... They both agree that the boys (perhaps they mean themselves) will enjoy it for years to come. As it were, there is proof that the boys were up at 10:30 at night, testing the track with their headlamps on, so I guess they were right (FYI: these boys were my Dad and Grandad!)

Spashing around with Dad...

... and with Mom...

LA Vaca! Great Group Shots

1,2,3,4,5... JUMP!
A dinner picnic on the lake.

Our annual hotdog picture... I wonder how much longer the hotdog will be around!

The Bagshaw-Northrup clan! Adults double outnumbered by the under-ten-year-olds!

Grama-Great spent the weekend with us at the lake. It was great to spend some time with her.