Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Tree!

We're off to get our christmas tree! Do all families walk to Lowes, pick a tree, pop it on the red wagon and walk home with it? Ah, traditions!
Claire had a blast riding along to get a tree.

Here we are with the perfect tree!

Boy, they make me do all the work. I picked the tree, I pull it home, I decorate it....

See, Coop, you hang the ornaments on the tree like this....
Later: Cooper and Claire are REALLY good at taking the ornaments OFF the tree. They will be a big help in a few weeks, if there are any left.

Saturday, November 29, 2008

Happy Thanksgiving!

With the smallest of our blessings in bed, we finally took the time for a picture with our biggest blessing of the brood. What a great year!

Lazy 5 Ranch (not the lazy Northrupfive!)

We had a great time at the Lazy 5 Ranch, a local petting zoo. We saw the giraffes, zebra, buffalo, emu, some ring tailed lemurs, kangaroos, sheep, camels, and some other cool animals that we don't even know the names of! We liked feeding the buffalo the best - they give these sticky, yucky kisses with long twirly tongues!
Grama Ann and Emma.

Just hangin' around with Grandad.

I love feeding the buffalo! Claire and I have no fear of their big, 'ole mouths! What a great day!

Prima Ballerina

This is my ballet class at dress rehearsal. Our big show, "Somewhere Over the Rainbow" is next week. You can catch it on all the major networks, or at the YMCA gym, either one.

Saturday, November 22, 2008

Starting the season early!

Here in crazy Concord, NC, we start celebrating Christmas a little early. Fortunately, the weather was definitly winter-like. I didn't know it got cold down here - it was 32 degrees! BURRRRR!
So,Claire, you think Dad will get us a tree about this size?

All bundled up! Ready for the fireworks - fireworks are much colder in the winter than they are on the 4th of July!


Monday, November 17, 2008

To the zoo!

First, we took our chopper to the zoo. Coop was allowed to chauffer the ladies there. He loved having control (flying lessons anytime soon, Uncle Brian?). Actually, this was just an exhibit to show how scientists study elephant herds in Africa, Cooper wasn't REALLY allowed to fly it.
Claire: See, Coop, the black and white striped horses are zebras!

Cooper can't face the camera in this picture because his front is covered with ice cream...

What ice cream?

What a fun day at the zoo!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Fall Fun

Just hangin' out in the fort, blowing bubbles on a beautiful fall Sunday afternoon.
We had the best fun in the worlds smallest leaf pile EVER! Later we went to a friends house that had a real leaf pile, but ours worked for us. We are just small kids, after all!

Monday, November 3, 2008

Definitely a Treat :)

Little Bo Peep didn't lose her sheep,
Good thing, since they're really her siblings;
Grama and Grandad were here
Halloween was nothing to fear;
What a great weekend for the kidlings!

Thanks for a great weekend, Grama and Grandad!
Peep and Sheep!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Pumpkin Patch, etc...

Today we went to the pumpkin patch. We rode the bus.... say what you will about the length of the bus that the Northrups ride!
Although no pictures are included of the actual patch, we did pick the perfect pumpkins. You'll see them later when we carve! We had tons of other fun at the patch...

Saturday, October 18, 2008

Happy Birthday, Paco and Barney

I have been telling Mom for quite some time that it is Paco and Barney's birthday, so today we celebrated with a little party. We made cake, invited some of their friends (Mr. Bear, Bunny, Cooper and Claire), and their favorite food, Pizza!

Cooper and Claire loved being included in the festivities, especially helping to eat the cake!
PS. Paco and Barney are Emma's twins (dolls!). Paco is the girl and Barney is the boy. It is a shame these names were taken when Cooper and Claire came along.

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

Happy Boy

Hey, Grama Ann and Grandad! See, I do smile! We went to the whitewater center as a family and we kids got to climb on the rocks while Dad swam, I mean kayaked, down the river.
and P.S. here's a kiss for you guys!

Wednesday, October 8, 2008

Like my big 'sis

Well, here we are, middle of the day - house is a wreck, Cooper is carrying a halloween basket and Claire has a bucket on her head that she thinks is SO funny! She is not the first little Northrup to get a kick out of a bucket on her head - when I was in day care, Mom and Dad logged onto the internet live feed of my classroom and caught me with a bucket on my head, too. Don't worry, if bucket-head is indicative of success in life, Claire will end up being a genius just like me - Emma

Saturday, October 4, 2008


Dear Grama Ann and Grandad, thank you so much for the "boost" that you gave me for my birthday. It has really come in handy here where Mom, for some reason, closes the little lock that I can't reach from the floor. I have started my Christmas list and it includes a lighter, knife set and ladder. Thanks so much! Love, Cooper

Maize Maze

What a corny family I have! Today we took a little trip to the corn maze, where we got TOTALLY lost, but I had a ball!
Who is in charge of this bunch anyway? Where are we going?
The flag let folks know where we are. If we don't have the flag, we could be lost forever until they mow down the maze in mid-November. Good thing there is corn to eat!
Horray, we made it ! Thanks to fearless Emma, who led us through using the map! It only took us an hour and 1/2, which is apparently good with kids our size at the helm of direction!

Monday, September 29, 2008

Great Sunday

Hurray - go Panthers! We were at the park watching the train go by. Woooo woooo!
After church we went to the park to hang out and play. It was a good day!

By By, Chooo Chooooo!

Friday, September 26, 2008

Teddy Bear Picnic

Today was our much-awaited Teddy Bear Picnic at school. Mr. Bear was very excited to be a part of the festivities and Mom got to come and see me perform songs about bears that we have been practicing all year. Even though it was raining outside, we had a terrific time!
"I am a panda, how do you do? I live in China, I eat bamboo!" Do you see me signing the panda eating bamboo part?
Here I am with Mr. Bear, who won "Best Singing Bear" award (????? authort has not found out why Mr. Bear is the best singer of all the bears in the class at time of publishing), standing in front of a model of a real polar bear.

PS. Mom forgot(!) the camera, so Dad let her borrow a not so great camera - sorry for the lousy clarity!

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Apple Pickin'

Today we went apple picking - we picked ALL the apples - sorry, there are none left now! I got a little lift from Mom and Dad to get the really high ones.

The apple bag definitely weighs more than Claire does!
I love apple pickin! This is super fun!
PS. Coop is around somewhere, but he is not feeling photogenic today... But look at ME, aren't I cute?