Our first day of Kindergarten! I am so excited for a new year!
Bye, Mom! We're going to have a great day!
P.S. Dad is not starting kindergarten, for those of you who may be confused, he is just back to work for a new year... and we get to go in together every day!
This was during our visit to the NC mountains. Our friend Ethan is peeking out from behind us. Mom and Dad asked Cooper to put his arm around Claire, so this is how he does it.
Silly time! Ethan doesn't really know what to make of our sillyness!
Look at me with a new, big-girl tooth! I realize that this is not the correct order of baby teeth replacement, but this helps me chew better! By the way, if you are looking really close, that is raisins from the breakfast I was eating stuck in my back teeth, not cavities. I have healthy teeth... extra teeth, but healthy teeth!
Look at my new bike. I am awesome and SUPER fast! I can turn and ride forever! The neighbors think I am super cute!
So proud of my big-girl-self! You can't tell here, but Mom is running along side me to catch this moving shot. I told you I was super fast! See the wind in my little bitty bit of hair?