Sunday, January 31, 2010


Horray for the weekend of snow! A weekend full of hot chocolate, movies, "sledding", and all sorts of Forced Family Fun (the old FFF, as we used to call it in the Keely household!)!
Warming up our toes by the fire... no more tozen froes!
Goodmorning Snow! (do you see us peeking through the window?)
The red-neck, southern sled... no point in purchasing a nice Flexible Flyer for the one time every eight years when we will get a day of sled-able snow. Just use what you've got! An inflatable dolphin will do just fine (after Mom and Dad popped the pink innertube going down together!)
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1 comment:

Granddad and Grandma Ann said...

Don't buy any new sleds! We have two 60 year old Flexible Flyer sleds and two 30 year old rusting metal saucers in our shed. You can have them. Keelys are known for two things : FFF and never throwing anything away. Love, Granddad and Grandma Ann